Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Whoa, it's been a while! New blog focus: Gaming!

It's been over three years since my last post, and a lot has happened. First, I met my fiancée 24 days after my last post, which is probably the main factor for falling off the wagon. You know how that goes. I also returned to school, and it looks like I'll finally, actually be getting a degree (actually two), although only Associates, for now. I really have no idea what's next for me, whether it's going back to work and trying to get my unsubsidized loans paid off, or continuing on at Portland State University in an TBD major. One thing that I've really enjoyed in the past few years is Urban Exploring. Here's a shot of me in a Cold War Era nuclear missile silo!

And another of me in a 20-foot drain approximately 200 ft below the city streets!

Anyway, I've been wanting an outlet to enthuse about my PC gaming interests, so I'm going to start a new series on here in which I highlight different indie games and why you should consider checking them out. Look for the first in this series very soon.
